Thursday, February 20, 2020
Temporary Traffic Control Zone (Work Zone) Regulatory Speed Limit Policy (SOL 494-20-02) - February 20, 2020
This Strike-off Letter (SOL) establishes a Temporary Traffic Control Zone (work zone) Regulatory Speed Limit Policy for evaluating regulatory speed limit reductions within work zones on state roadways. While all work zones should be designed to accommodate the existing posted regulatory speed limit whenever possible, documented justification is required when a regulatory speed limit reduction is being considered. This SOL also requires completion of Traffic Engineering Form 162 - Temporary Traffic Control Zone Regulatory Speed Limit Reduction Evaluation (TE-162) for all regulatory speed limit reduction requests on utility projects, highway occupancy permit (HOP) projects, and local jurisdiction construction or maintenance projects impacting a state highway. Additionally, all work zones with a reduced regulatory speed limit that are being considered for use in the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement (AWZSE) program will require prior completion and approval of the TE-162.